Why I Admire Russell Brunson from Clickfunnels

Angela Henry
3 min readMar 18, 2021


For those of you who may not know, Russell Brunson is an online marketing genius. He is the co-founder of Clickfunnels which helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses through sales funnels.

I stumbled upon Clickfunnels by accident while doing another business training. I first thought to dismiss it because I was already immersed in so much work, but for some reason I could not turn away. His teaching was so riveting that he really made me believe that I could grow my business to be anything I wanted it to be. I had never even heard of Clickfunnels before, but I am so glad that I did.

The first thing I admire about him is his faith. He’s not one to flaunt his beliefs but he has made it clear that he looks to God. He had this one quote that still stays with me today. He said, “ Pray like everything depends on God. Work like everything depends on you.” That is how I operate my life. I am completely dependent on Him but am working as best and hard as I can. I understand that faith without works is dead. It’s not often that I can find someone very successful in business and yet gives honour to God.

The second thing that I admire is his tenacity. He posted a video today about how his company crashed in 2008. He achieved much success only to see it fall apart before his eyes and be threatened with jail time. As devastating as that was, he never gave up. All the things that he learned, all the business ideas he came up with, it pushed him to continue until he co-created Clickfunnels. So many people would have walked away and never looked back. I’m grateful that he didn’t otherwise I would never have had the awesome opportunity that I do today.

I admire the fact that he is a family man and he worked so hard to make his wife’s dream of staying home to raise their children come true. That resonated with me because that has been my dream ever since we started having children. He has been very transparent about the struggles they had to conceive their children and the love he has for his wife speaks volumes. It comforts me because my husband has been determined to do the very same thing for me. It’s a blessing to see men that truly honour their wives and families. There are not many out there like that.

He also gives to causes of his heart. Yes, there are many rich persons that also give to charity. Some for show and many do it because they care. He has a charity called Operation Underground Railroad. His focus is to help fight anti-child trafficking and put an end to child slavery. What an absolute worthy cause. The Bible says, “…he that loveth not his brother that he can see, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?” He’s not just saying he’s a Christian with words but he is showing it by loving those that are helpless; those who don’t have a voice.

I’m not putting him on a pedestal. I know that he is human and prone to mistakes just like everyone of us. But he understands that God has placed him on this Earth for a purpose — to help people. It’s extremely inspirational that he has made that his goal and his accomplishing it very well.



Angela Henry

Wife and Mom to three wonderful kids. Believer. Entrepreneur